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  • Writer's pictureAlyssia Baly

Could you speak up?

Oh boy, here is probably the newest and hardest part of this animation: the audio. I have always hated listening to the sound of my own voice nor have I ever even tried editing audio before- but I had no time to worry or fret so I was forced to just jump right in to this new territory. Initially I planned to record my audio at school in which I would have access to a decent microphone but after trying to record a few lines in multiple classrooms and the recording room I quickly found that recording anywhere in the school would produce entirely unable audio as a result of background noise. Because of this I resorted to huddling myself in the quietest corner in my room and throwing a blanket over my head in an attempt to block out any excess noise. I simply spoke my lines in to my recording phone and sent myself via email all of the video file to put in to my animation program to edit down. the entire editing process took probably around 4 days to complete and was by far the most tedious and annoying part of my entire project- but I am glad I did it. I learned so much about dictation and editing through this process and now am considering purchasing a high quality microphone to capture audio for future videos.

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